
poppies are popping

Iceland Poppy / Sibirisk Valmue / Papaver nudicaule
is an annual or a perennial herb with an ascending to maintain growth. The leaves form a rosette due tabled and are spatula-shaped, feathered dress split and whole randede with several lapped three sections. Both leaf sides are blue-green and covered with greyish hair. Flowering is arranged under the circumstances in the adult site, but it happens like the May-August. The flowers are favored end of hairy, but the leaf stalks solve. Buds are hanging and covered with brown hair. Sepal dropped in relation to the source, after which we see a relatively large flowers with 4 white, yellow or red-petalled. Flower is the insect best trained, where possible, otherwise self. The fruit is a capsule with pores that allow the seeds to sprinkle out.

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