
This summer's new colour in my dahlia flowers.
I grow them in pots, and so fare I has managed to get them to hibernate to next year



one of the last poppies blooming

Autumn has arrived, and only a few poppies are still blooming.
Had allot of these purple poppies this summer



pink by `maridesign`
pink, a photo by `maridesign` on Flickr.

The name of this rose is Queen Elisabeth. and have lovely pink colour.
The bog pig ate the roots this winter, so there is very little left of the rose.


pink and green - light and shadow

I got this plant from my mothers garden. and it's nice to have standing behind the perennial and up towards the forest.

Persicaria bistorta / slangeurt is a species of flowering plant native to Europe and north and west Asia.


colombine without harleqin

Columbine/akeleje from my perennial. As they saw themselves, they pops up the funniest places.


tiny blue at the forest floor

From a forest walk on a windy day,
Wishing everyone a nice weekend.

A field speedwell / Veronica arvensis / Aerenspris, is a 3-20 cm tall herb which in Denmark is growing on arable land and dry slopes


tulip time

tulip time by `maridesign`
tulip time, a photo by `maridesign` on Flickr.

It's just one of the tulips from the garden.
Could not just leave it

Crown imperial from my garden

Imperial crown flourish as one of the first flowers.

Fritillaria imperialis/Crown imperial or Kaiser's crown/kejserkrone.
A legend says that the imperial crown was one of the most beautiful but also one of the proud flowers in the garden of Eden. It looked down on all the other flowers in the garden, so God turned as punishment its flowers down

seen from the roadside

seen from the roadside by `maridesign`
seen from the roadside, a photo by `maridesign` on Flickr.

some road side wild flowers


Krokus og andre forårsbebudere er begyndt at vise sig efter en lang, meget lang vinter. Vi fik sne så sent som i går, håber det er det sidste sne vi får i år.

Crocuses and other harbingers of spring are starting to show after a long, very long winter.
We got snow as late as yesterday, I sure hope it's the last snow we see this year.


Frosted Flowers  
Winter is here with snow and frost, I found these grasses at the edge of the field. It is so beautiful out there when everything is covered in snow.


Morgenfrue / Calendula / Marigold
I have had many marigolds in my garden this summer, so next year I will spread the seeds all over the meadow, so they can light up with their yellow and orange colours.

Marigold (Calendula) is a genus of 12-20 species of annual or perennial, herbaceous plants, which are prevalent in Europe, Middle East and Iran. The stems are creating or ascending, and the leaves are spirally asked, full and slightly hairy. The flowers are collected in terminal curve, consisting of yellow, orange or red single flowers. Seeds Pappus. In the following, only the species that are grown in Denmark or who are naturalized here.


Flowering leek /Allium porrum / porre.
Making my own leek seeds this year for the first time,  exciting how it will turn out,
so next years leek will be made from scratch. 


Sunflowers / solsikker / Helianthus annuus; they grow well this year in my garden, and he first time they also flourishes because the deer usually eat the top of the plant, beforeit get the chance flower.
 'll think I will try to save the sunflower seeds for the birds for wintertime and cold weather.


A flower from my garden, I like all the dots on this lily make it stand out.

Lilium tigrinum / Tiger Lily / Tiger lilje,  is a species of lily native to northern and eastern Asia, including Japan.
The tiger lily gets its name for its orange coloured flowers marked with black dots. A natural hybrid, the tiger lily forms bulbils in the axils of its leaves.


I got this wonderful rose as a gift from a good friend.
Name; Blackberry Nip
Colour, dark pink and smells


Iceland Poppy, Papaver nudicaule, Siberian poppy, which has now blossomed in my garden at the same place for several years, it loses its seeds on the ground and bloom again next year


Det er tulipan tid i haven og de blomster i alle bedene, så må lige vise en af mine hvide tulipaner, som jeg kun har et par stykker af. De står og gemmer sig bag en busk, så tror jeg må have dem flyttet til et sted, hvor man kan få mere fornøjelse af dem.


Tulipaner er noget af det første der blomstre, og smukke er de, flotte og ranke med alle deres forskellige farver røde, gule, hvide, enkelte og dobbelte, en fornøjelse i haven.


I påsken besøgte jeg en subtropisk have Abbotsbury Sub-Tropical Gardens i syd England og det blomstrede over alt med rododendron, azaleaer. tulipantræer og kameliabuske, der var et sandt duft og farve flor.
Kamelia er sådan en smuk blomst, og den får mig til at tænke på gamle romantiske romaner. Jeg har hørt der er kommet arter som kan gro og overleve her på det nordlige halvkugle, så jeg tror jeg vil ønske mig en.

Kamelia /Japanese Camellia/Camellia japonica, er en stedse grøn busk eller et lille træ med en bred, opstigende vækstform. Planten blomstrer i det meget tidlige forår med rosenagtige blomster. Planten vokser i kystnære løvskove i Kina, Korea og på alle de japanske hovedøer.


Så blomstrer de første tulipaner med en fin rød farve, den står der i midt i ​​plænen, hvor det ikke hører hjemme, må vist flytte den til et bedre sted. Tulipaner er en forårsløg plante, med farverige blomster i slægten Tulipa, som omfatter 109 arter og tilhører familien Liliaceae.
The first tulip, it grows in the middle of the lawn where it does not belong, haven't seen it before, Later on I will have to move it to a better place. Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs, with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, which comprises 109 species and belongs to the family Liliaceae


Der er så mange dejlige forårsblomster og løg der popper op lige nu med de dejlige varmegrader vi har haft,et rigtigt havevejr til at fjerne blade og gøre forårsklar. Min julerose blomstrer så smukt lige nu hvid og sart, og så har den bredt sig fint selvom den blev flyttet 2 gange sidste år. Den almindelige Julerose / Christmas Rose/ Helleborus Niger er en duftfri udeplante, den blomstrer i det tidlige forår i de hvide og dyb rød farver.


Just one more crocus, I found this white one with blue stripes, hidden under last year's dead leaves at the foot of an old beech tree, where it bloomed so nicely all alone.


Daisy is starting to show in the lawn, so fare only a few as it is still is early in the year. Tusindfryd /Bellis is a small flower that contains only a few European and North African species. They are characterized by their rosette leaves and Daisy-like flowers.


This almost striped crocuses popped up in the lawn. I have found yellow -, light purple -,white - and various blue crocus around the flower beds and lawn and underneath some bushes.


They look so fine in these small delicate blue crocuses, especially when the sun shines on them Crocus is a perennial that is often seen as a bulbous plant, although its wintering body really is a tuber. The genus is widespread with more than 30 species in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Most crocuses are 10-20 cm high, and they come in many colours from white and yellow to purple and blue.
Right now the the Eranthis are blooming all over my lawn. Garden Eranthis (Eranthis hyemalis) is a tuber plant. Flowering occurs in January-March, and it consists of a greenish-brown, erect, hollow, smooth stem with three bracts under the relatively large yellow flower with six yellow sepals. The fruits are dry capsules with seeds that ripen well and germinate readily in Denmark.


winter has arrived with snow and frost, found some frozen dandelion seed, and I think they look really adventures.


The frost has frosted the last roses still blooming, as we have had a very mild winter this year


Right now their are only a few flowers that bloom among them are Sedum I have them in several colours Previously it was called a love herb because it was used to take warnings about love relationships, or where you could find a girlfriend.
It was also used as a medicinal plant, both in animals and humans. It was mostly used against burns - they smeared the liquid from the leaves on the wound.

Sedum spectabilea herbaceous plant with simple leaves, on succulent stems.
The flowers are pink, mauve or red and bloom in September and October. Bees and butterflies like to visit them


There are still a few roses that are in bloom, although it is coming to an end now it is autumn and cold. We should have the first night frost tomorrow, so all the plants that don't like frost have been taken indoors where they can face winter untill next summer.

The fragrance from Jacques Cartier is wonderful, it live up to the expectations you have when you smell a rose. Its flowers are closely crowded, and they have the sweetest light pink color. It bloom from June and in November


I planted some Marigolds/Morgenfrue/Calendula a bit late this summer, and they are starting to bloom now, a little late though.
My intention was to make some seeds to spread in the meadow below the forest together with other summer flowers to enjoy next year.

Marigolds/Morgenfrue/Calendula is a genus of 12-20 species of annual or perennial, herbaceous plants, which are prevalent in Europe, Middle East
The flowers consist of yellow, orange or red single flowers.


I found this poppy growing in the middle of the hedge, so I will try and moved to a place where it can be enjoyed more... so next summer.

Papaver orientale cultivars have aside from its natural brilliant orange-scarlet, since the later 19th century selective breeding for gardens has created a range of colors

I have got some poppy seeds from a flickr friend, and they have bloomed so beautifully in many beautiful colors and shapes throughout the summer.I think this is a Pattys Plum

Papaver somniferum has many sub-species or varieties and cultivars. Colors of the flower vary widely, as do other physical characteristics such as number and shape of petals, number of flowers and fruits, number of seeds, color of seeds, production of opium, etc.

I have had allot of different poppies in my garden this summer, so I will put some of them up on my blogg.

These poppies are so different with their curly petals.
Their name is Peony poppy, a poppy that is filled and looks almost like a peony.
have some seed so hopefully i will succeed with them next year.


Right now allot of these white beauties are blooming in the meadow outside my window.

Oxeye daisy / White Okseøje /Leucanthemum vulgare, flowering takes place in June-July, and you will find flower baskets placed at each end of stems, baskets made ​​of heavy white crowns and yellow tubes.
In Denmark there it spread across the country in gravel pits, meadows and slopes and along roadsides.


Right now the dandelions/Taraxacum vulgare/mælkebøtte bloom in the lawn even though the flower is beautiful, it is not where it is most welcome

Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is also called the Lion's Tooth or dandelion, and the botanical name is occasional as Taraxacum vulgare. It is a two-or perennial herb, which produces a result equivalent rosette of leaves the first year. The leaves are elliptical with deep, wood-shaped patches and whole rim. The top is freshly green while the underside is dull light green. Flowering usually occurs in April-May, but grazed or cut plants may bloom until September


white clover growing in the meadow near by

Trifolium repens, the white clover, is a species of clover native to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. It has been widely introduced worldwide as a pasture crop, and is now also common in most grassy areas of North America and New Zealand. Also grown in spring and summer.


I got a new Hosta this year, and the leaves are more yellow and the the flower is shorter and more rounded. Unfortunately I don't know the specific name of it
I have moved my Hosta so they appear in the same area. Had to go hunting for some more variations.....

Hosta or Funki (Hosta) is a genus with more than 30 species.
It is perennial, forming strong rootstock or rhizomes. The leaves form dense rosettes, consisting of lanceolate or ovate leaves with curved strings and full rim.
Flowering takes place in late summer, where you see some stems with spikes of white or purple, bell-shaped flowers.


I have been moving around with my roses so not quite sure of the name of this.. but still a beautiful yellow rose....


My favourite summer flower

Hvid Okseøje /White segetum /Leucanthemum vulgare are perennial, herbaceous plants with a view favoured leaf rosette and an upright, branching growth.
The stem is furrowed and pale hair. The leaves are scattered off and stalked (stalk leaves are however nonstalked). Basic leaves is inversely ovoid with round serrated or rough serrated edge, while the stem leaves are line-or lancet-shaped, with flaps to the toothed rim. The surface is grass green and the underside is light green.

Found that up against a wall, I have never seen it before. so hopefully it will bloom again next year.

Tiger Lily / Lilium lancifolium is a big family that is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America.
Like other true lilies, the flowers are borne on an erect stem 80–200 cm tall, clothed with the more or less linear leaves 6–9 cm long and 1–2 cm broad. It is one of a very small number of species that produce aerial bulblets, known as bulbils, in the leaf axils along the stem. These can be used to propagate the plant. Flowers on the plant last for a short period of time before they wither and are replaced by newer flowers


Dandelion is not easy to get around it is very beautiful and they are also annoying when it grows between the tiles and all the wrong places.

Dandelion (Taraxacum) or dandelion is a genus of perennials with a taproot and a few hollow stems, each with one end made basket. The leaves are rosetstillede. The genus consists of approx. 1000 apomictic species, divided into 13 groups.

There have been alot of poppies on the medow this year and the light up so beautiful among the grass with its red petals.

Kornvalmue /Papaver rhoeas / poppy is a wild poppy, which usually has bright red petals around a black center. Nature is the largest of three wild valmuearter in Denmark. In the northern hemisphere it generally flowers in June.

Its origin is not known with certainty. Americans think it comes from Europe - and northern Europeans think it comes from southern Europe. Others believe that it comes from Eurasia and North Africa.

Kornvalmuen is slightly toxic to grazing animals. The seeds are harmless


This year my Helleborus was twice as big. and it is filled with many flowers, they're just not very pretty this year, animals and frost have damaged the petals.The stamen looks nice anyway

Helleborus niger /Julerose, is an evergreen perennial with basic favoured leaves. The leaves are pinnate with elliptic leaflets. Leaf edge is irregularly toothed, upper surface is grass green and leathery, and the underside is light gray-green. and the flowers grow up in January-February.The flowers are snowy white with yellow stamens. The fruits are dry capsules with many black seeds ripen well and germinate readily under the right growing conditions.