
Woodland Strawberry flower blooming and can be used as a bottom cover in shady places in the garden. The berries can be used for jam and juice.

Woodland Strawberry/Fragaria vesca / Skov-Jordbær the Flowering occurs in May-June, where you'll find flowers sitting in small booths at special and create shots.
Woodland Strawberry occurs naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere


the garden are singing the blues right now.....

Bluebells / Hyacinthoides non-scripta / Almindelig Klokkeskilla
In Denmark buebells/klokkeskilla grows well in the garden under the trees and shrubs. It is easy to handle, they bloom from May to July.


The magnolia tree from my garden blooms right now, if only for a short time they really lights up with all the flower at one time.

Magnolie/Magnolia is widespread in East Asia and North America. It includes many tropical and subtropical species.The genus is named after French botanist Pierre Magnol.