Frozen seed capsule with allot of tiny ice crystals, when the flower blooms it is yellow
Telekia/tusind stjerne, is a rhizomatous, sunflower-like perennial that is native primarily to mountainous areas in southern Europe, the Ukraine, the Balkans, the Caucusus and Turkey. Features sprays of single, daisy-like flower heads (to 3.5” across) with yellow rays and large, flattened, orange-yellow center disks. Blooms appear in late summer to early fall on branching-at-the-top stems rising to 4-6’ tall. Coarse, aromatic, triangular, doubly-serrate, long-petioled, basal leaves (to 12" long) with cordate bases. Leaves are glabrous above and hairy below. Smaller ovate stem leaves are sessile. Synonymous with Buphthalmum speciosum.
Frosted hydragena
We had a few days with frost and minus degrees. so all the plants got `sucker-coated`
The Hortensia / hydrangea
The story behind the word Hydrangea is interesting because it comes from the Greek, which means Hydor water and angeion means jar. Against this background, one can always remember that Hydrangea is very water intensive.
Only a few roses are still blooming the weather are cold and gloomy and real autumn weather.
So I found a photo of the Dianthus barbatus / Sweet William / studenternellike from midsummer, they bloom in all kind of colours and colour variation, a real summer flower that I planted in the edge of a flowerbed.
Dianthus barbatus / Sweet William / studenternellike is a species of Dianthus native to the mountains of southern Europe from the Pyrenees east to the Carpathians and the Balkans, with a variety disjunct in northeastern China, Korea, and southeasternmost Russia
The hydrangea in the garden are starting to wither now, but still new blooms. It blooms from July and right up until the frost starts.
The Hortensia / hydrangea
The story behind the word Hydrangea is interesting because it comes from the Greek, which means Hydor water and angeion means jar. Against this background, one can always remember that Hydrangea is very water intensive.
This blue asters are the last flowers that are blooming before wintertime this year...
Aster novae-angliae is a large perennial with a stiff, sustained growth form. The leaves are sitting scattered along the stiff stems. Each leaf is lanceolate with entire edges. The flowers are large, richly branched, Open Stand for the end of the shoots. Each flower is as star-like flower basket with yellow median crowns and fruits are small nuts with their small fnok. The seeds germinate readily.
I is wo really nice working in the garden on a sunny autumn day, where I and my camera found these Anemone seeds.
Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' / Grape-leaf anemone / høstanemone
This traditional variety has Copious pale pink blooms and attractive foliage that's greyish-white underneath. The flowers seen from August until late September. The seeds ripen rarely in this country.
Seed capsules of Columbine.
They are often just as beautiful and decorative as the flowers
Columbine (Aquilegia) is a genus with many species in the northern hemisphere. It is perennials or rarely: annuals herbs that have the following common features: the leaves are double cut shared with entire margins and rounded leaflets. Leaves and stems are smooth. The flowers are borne in setting up booths at the end of special shots. They are regular with the innermost five petals transformed into long nectar spurs
Phlox a few have started to bloom here in the late summerdays, and it is a pretty little flower that is most common in old gardens.
Phlox /floks / Polemonium, commonly called Jacob's ladder, is a genus of about 25 species of flowering plants in the family Polemoniaceae, native to cool temperate to arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and also in the southern Andes in South America. Many of the species grow at high altitudes in mountains.
They are perennial plants (rarely annual plants) growing 10–120 cm tall with bright green leaves divided into lance-shaped leaflets, and produce blue (rarely white or pink) flowers in the spring and summer.
Polemonium species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora polemoniella.
A red rambler rose, which is very old around 40 years I think. I don't know the name of this rose so my best guess will be that it is a.........
HEIDELBERG Rambler roses
The flower is Large full flowers, carmine to crimson, medium strong aroma, Remont, flower-rich and long, and growth / foliage is 150-200 cm tall, dark green glossy foliage, vigorous and dense growth, suitable for epalier and free-growing shrub.
The flowers are very lovely, elegant and beautiful in a vase as well as in the garden.
Queen Elizabeth rose, the Queen of England rose, is one of the ten most popular roses for over 40 years, according to rose breeders who are growing 'Queen Elizabeth'.
'Queen Elizabeth' is a grandiflora rose whose flowers come singly on one stem, similar to hybrid tea roses.
Aster in different colors are blooming right now in the garden, they lit up now it is running short days and autumn
Aster / Aster novae-Anglia,) is a large perennial with a stiff, sustained growth form. The leaves are sitting scattered along the stiff stems. Each leaf is lanceolate with entire edges. Leaf foot ends halfway around the stem. The top surface of the leaf is dark green and slightly roughened by a close hair. The underside is lighter, but also close to the hair. The flowers are large, richly branched, open stands at the foot of the shoots. Each flower is a star-like flower basket with yellow median crowns and purple / blue / white / red edge crowns. The fruits are small nuts with their small fnok. The seeds germinate readily.
A single golden bloom an early moning
Gyldenris / Goldenrod / Solidago, is widespread in Europe and North America with the vast majority of species in the sids that area. The species has the following characteristics in common: the leaves are scattered sessile, flower baskets are small with a maximum of 10 tongue-shaped peripheral flowers.
To plant Spanish-daisies in the garden is to bid summer a warm welcome. Welcome to sunny, warm welcome, welcome to colour splendour and joy.
It comes from South Africa where the sun shines all year. Yes, actually counts the South Africans throughout the 300 days of sunshine a year.
Osteospermum / spansk margurit is a genus belonging to the Calenduleae, one of the smaller tribes of the sunflower family (Asteraceae).
Osteosperum used to belong to the genus Dimorphotheca, but only the annual species remain in that genus; the perennials belong to Osteospermum. The genus Osteospermum is also closely related to the small genus Chrysanthemoides,
I have three different kind, so three different colours... and they do last long and make easy roots, just but them in a vase with water and they quickly make roots, So haveallot of them at different spots in the garden
Sankthansurt / Hylotelephium telephium is a perennial with a hump-shaped, sustained growth. Stem often reddish or red dots. The leaves are sitting scattered, and the thick and oval to reverse ovoid with round serrated edge. Both sides of the leaf are bright green and completely hairless. Flowering takes place in August-September, where you see the flowers sit together in a final tabled half screen top of the fork-shaped tassels. The individual flowers are regular with yellowish-green petals. The fruits are pods capsules with many seeds.
Crocosmia masoniorum / Montbretia
Small red iristype, it is beautiful with a lot of red flowers in the late summer.
Montbretia is a good old garden perennial that is coming to honor and dignity after being forgotten little time. There are several species of montbretia, but this species is the botanical name Crocosmia masoniorum and is in the iris family, like for example.: Fresia, crocus, gladiolus and iris. In nature it grows in full sun and half shade and like a half with a high ground cover that protects the roots.
Love the way they seem to be dancing, and they look beautiful in a bouquetat last long as well
Japanese Anenome flower /Anemone hupehensis / Høst-anemone . is a deciduous perennial convincing with a stiff stalks, create growth. Shoots are initially green but will soon Maroon. They are shaggy soft hair down. The leaves are long-stemmed bored and hand lapped to form as redcurrants or vine leaves. Edge is cut into the coarse teeth, and the top is rough because of the suspended leaf ribs. The color is grass green with a lighter underside. The flowers seen from August until late September. They carried high above the leaves in the end favored tassels. Each flower is wine rose, pink or creamy white (see the varieties). Seeds seldom ripen in this country.
Common Soapwort / alm sæbeurt, aAs the name implies, it can be used as a very gentle soap, usually in dilute solution. It has been used to clean delicate or unique fabrics, such as the Turin shroud for example.
Common Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) is a vespertine flower, and a common perennial plant from the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae). Other common names are Bouncing Bet and Sweet William; locally it is simply "the Soapwort" although there are about 20 species of soapworts altogether.
The scientific name Saponaria is derived from the Latin sapo (stem sapon-) meaning "soap," which, like its common name, refers to its utility in cleaning. From this same Latin word is derived the name of the toxic substance saponin, contained in the roots even 20 percent when the plant is flowering[1] (Indian soapnuts contain only 15 percent!). It starts producing a lather when in contact with water. The epithet officinalis indicates its medicinal functions.
Soapwort's native range extends throughout Europe to western Siberia. It grows in cool places at low or moderate elevations under hedgerows and along the shoulders of roadways.
The plants possesses leafy, unbranched stems (often tinged with red) grow in patches, attaining a height of 70 cm. The broad, lanceolate, sessile leaves are opposite and between 4 and 12 cm long. It's sweetly scented flowers are radially symmetrical and pink, or sometimes white. Each of the five flat petals have two small scales in the throat of the corolla. They are about 2.5 cm wide. They are arranged in dense, terminal clusters on the main stem and its branches. The long tubular calyx has five pointed red teeth.
In the northern hemisphere soapwort blooms from May to September, and in the southern hemisphere October to March.
My favorite colour in flowers are blue and white and this Stormhat has such a nice intense blue colour
Aconitum napellus, Stormhat
A decorative up to 1.5 meters high perennial. In June-August developed long inflorescences with beautiful violet blue flowers.
The name comes from the Greek akoniton, which means an arrow, and plans has been an important ingredient in arrow poison. Napellus means small turnip, although not to entice people to eat it, because it is one of our toxic plants. Poison, which caused the contents of alkaloids, is so strong that it can penetrate through small scratches in the skin. Plant has been part of the witch's flying ointment, such because it does pain and reduces the pulse.
I plant Marigold / morgenfruer every year in spring and then they bloom the whole summer in yellow and orange colour.....
Morgenfruer = morgenladies
Morgenfrue / Calendula officinalis / Marigold is a plant in the Calendula genus. It was used in ancient Greek, Roman, Arabic and Indian cultures as a medicinal herb as well as a dye for fabrics, foods and cosmetics.
The leaves and petals of the Pot Marigold are edible, with the petals added to dishes as a garnish and in lieu of saffron. The leaves can be sweet but are more commonly bitter, and may be used in salads.
Calendula officinalis is a cultivated herb and can be grown easily in sunny locations in most kinds of soils.
Calendula officinalis is an annual plant with maintaining growth. The stems are strong and hairy. The leaves are spread and spiral asked. They are great randede and slightly hairy. Upper and lower sides are gray-green uniform. Flowering occurs in June to November. The flowers form the final curve made with orange yellow, tongue-shaped peripheral crowns and darker tubular disc crowns. Often grown only full-flowered varieties, with nothing but tongue-shaped crowns. The seed ripens well and shoots prepared at appropriate sites.
The Hortensia /hydragena in my garden are pink and white don't know the special sort.
Hydrangea / Hortensia is a genus of about 70-75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia (China, Korea, Japan, the Himalayas, and Indonesia) and North and South America. The widely cultivated temperate species are all deciduous.
Hydrangea flowers are produced from early spring to late autumn.
Large tusind stjerne / Telekia speciosa is an excellent butterfly plant when it blooms in July-August the flowers can be full of butterflies.
Telekia is a rhizomatous, sunflower-like perennial that is native primarily to mountainous areas in southern Europe, the Ukraine, the Balkans, the Caucusus and Turkey. Features sprays of single, daisy-like flower heads (to 3.5” across) with yellow rays and large, flattened, orange-yellow center disks. Blooms appear in late summer to early fall on branching-at-the-top stems rising to 4-6’ tall. Coarse, aromatic, triangular, doubly-serrate, long-petioled, basal leaves (to 12" long) with cordate bases. Leaves are glabrous above and hairy below. Smaller ovate stem leaves are sessile. Synonymous with Buphthalmum speciosum.
I love roses and this is one of my roses
"New Dawn" A rose I really like it grows so easily and have really many roses every early summer.
Climbing Rose 'New Dawn' has kept on top of his career, ever since American breeders created it in 1930. A remarkable achievement. But certainly a deserved success. Context of 'New Dawn's success are the many good properties of the assembled in a single plant. It is both healthy, hardy and very easy to grow. The overwhelming bloom over a long period, and each flower is individually a small miracle. Easily filled, pale pink and the scent of roses. It canot be more romantic.
hosta which I have different sorts of in the garden
Though Hosta plantaginea originates in China, most of the species that provide the modern shade garden plants were introduced from Japan to Europe by Philipp Franz von Siebold in the mid-19th century. Newer species have been discovered on the Korean peninsula as well.
Hostas are widely-cultivated ground cover plants, particularly useful in the garden as shade-tolerant plants. Hybridization within and among species and cultivars has produced numerous cultivars, with over 3000 registered and named varieties, and perhaps as many more that are not yet registered with the American Hosta Society. Cultivars with golden- or white-variegated leaves are especially prized. Popular cultivars include 'Francee' (green leaves with white edges),
Peony white from the garden
The peony is named after Paeon or Paean, a student of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing. Asclepius became jealous of his pupil; Zeus saved Paeon from the wrath of Asclepius by turning him into the peony flower
The peony or paeony (Paeonia) is the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern Europe and western North America.
Most are herbaceous perennial plants 0.5–1.5 metres tall, but some are woody shrubs up to 1.5–3 metres tall. They have compound, deeply lobed leaves, and large, often fragrant flowers, ranging from red to white or yellow, in late spring and early summer. In the past, the peonies were often classified in the family Ranunculaceae, alongside
columbines have sown themselves all over the garden in lots of different colours
Aquilegia (pronounced /ˌækwɨˈliːdʒiə/) is a genus of about 60-70 species of columbines, herbaceous perennial plants that are found in meadows, woodlands, and at higher altitudes throughout the Northern Hemisphere. They are known for their distinctive flowers, generally bell-shaped, with each petal modified into an elongated nectar spur. Its fruit takes the form of a follicle. Columbine is derived from the latin word for Dove.
Blue iris singing the blues
Iris sibirica, the Siberian Iris, is a flowering plant in the genus Iris, native to eastern and central Europe and northern Asia.
Iris sibirica is widely grown in gardens in temperate regions around the world.
It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 50-120 cm tall. The leaves are glaucous green, narrow and fairly rigid, blade-shaped, 40-80 cm long and 2-4 cm broad. The flowers are typical of an iris, borne in late spring or early summer on unbranched or sparsely-branched stems held above the leaves, each flower 4-7 cm diameter, mid- to purple-blue, often with a paler whitish or yellowish centre.
Clematis / klematis is blooming with its big blue flowers so have to enjoy it as long as it last
Clematis from Ancient Greek klematis, a climbing plant, probably periwinkle) is a genus of mostly vigorous climbing lianas, with attractive flowers. Some species are shrubby, and some others are herbaceous perennial plants. They are generally calcicole species, found throughout the temperate regions of both hemispheres, and also in mountains in the tropics, on limestone and other basic soils. The cool temperate species are deciduous, but many of the warmer climate species are evergreen.
poppies are popping
Iceland Poppy / Sibirisk Valmue / Papaver nudicaule
is an annual or a perennial herb with an ascending to maintain growth. The leaves form a rosette due tabled and are spatula-shaped, feathered dress split and whole randede with several lapped three sections. Both leaf sides are blue-green and covered with greyish hair. Flowering is arranged under the circumstances in the adult site, but it happens like the May-August. The flowers are favored end of hairy, but the leaf stalks solve. Buds are hanging and covered with brown hair. Sepal dropped in relation to the source, after which we see a relatively large flowers with 4 white, yellow or red-petalled. Flower is the insect best trained, where possible, otherwise self. The fruit is a capsule with pores that allow the seeds to sprinkle out.
Geranium / Storkenæb are blomming right now and for the rest of the summer, and will continue until the frost take it.
Genus Storkenæb / Geranium, are widespread in species in Europe, Asia and North America. It is perennials or annuals plants with hand-pronged leaves and flowers, which often sits twinning.
Woodland Strawberry flower blooming and can be used as a bottom cover in shady places in the garden. The berries can be used for jam and juice.
Woodland Strawberry/Fragaria vesca / Skov-Jordbær the Flowering occurs in May-June, where you'll find flowers sitting in small booths at special and create shots.
Woodland Strawberry occurs naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere
Its a flower in the scilla family. and i have a lot of them in the garden. found the name Italian Bluebell....
Italian Bluebell /Italian Squil/Hyacinthoides italica It is one of three species in the genus Hyacinthoides, the others being the Common Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) in northwestern Europe.
Scilla (squill) is a genus of bulb-forming perennial herbs in the Hyacinthaceae. The 90-odd species are found in woodlands, subalpine meadows, and seashores across the Old World. Their flowers are usually blue, but white, pink, and purple types are known; most flower in early spring, but a few are autumn-flowering.
a wonderful time when all the tulips start to bloom in all their different colour. red, yellow, white....
Tulipa / tulip / tulipan, is a genus of about 150 species of bulbous flowering plants in the family Liliacea . Most cultivars of tulip are derived from Tulipa gesneriana. tulips are associated with Holland, both the flower and its name originated in the Persian empire
Tulips originate from mountainous areas with temperate climates and need a period of cool dormancy. They do best in climates with long cool springs and early summers.
This flower was very early this year it have such a nice fragrance and I really like the white colour.
Narcissus poeticus/ pinselilje (Poet's Daffodil, Nargis, Pheasant's Eye, Findern Flower, and Pinkster Lily) was one of the first daffodils to be cultivated, and is frequently identified as the narcissus of ancient timesoften associated with the Greek legend of Narcissus. Extremely fragrant, with a ring of petals in pure white and a short corona of light yellow with a distinct reddish edge,Poet's Daffodil grows to 20-40 cm tall and is widely naturalized in North America and Europe.
Found these majestic flower blooming today...
It is one of the earliest plants to be cultivated. It grows to about 1 meter (3 feet) in height, and bears lance shaped, glossy leaves, at intervals along the stem. It bears a prominent whorl of downward facing flowers at the top of the stem., topped by a 'crown' of small leaves, hence the name. While the wild form is usually orange-red, various colours are found in cultivation, ranging from nearly a true scarlet through oranges to yellow. The pendulous flowers make a bold statement in the late spring garden ; in the northern hemisphere, flowering takes place in late April or May, accompanied by a distinctly foxy odour that repels mice, moles, and other rodents.
The hyacint are blomming in blue white and pink in my frontyard
Hyacint / Hyacinthus orientalis is a plante which multiply both bulbs and seeds. It flourishes in Denmark from April to May. They are approx. 20-30 cm.
Hyacinths are a Christmas plant in Denmark. During November begins Monday to buy onions in the shops, which then runs to flower indoors. Once they have flowered by, could save the bulb and put it out in the garden.
A tiny flower that I thought I had lost after some reorganising....
Porcelænshyacint / Puschkinia scilloides
Named in honor of the Russian botanist Apollo Mussin-Pushkin.
This tiny flower is called china-hyacinths in Danish, and rarely has a name been more appropriate.
Its light blue bells with the slightly darker strip looks as if they were made of the finest painted porcelain.
Daffodil with bumble bee, the first bumblebee this year...
Humlebi / Bombus Apidae / Bumblebee, there are over 250 known species primarily occurring in the Northern Hemisphere.
Bumblebees are social insects that are characterized by black and yellow body hairs, often in bands. However, some species have orange or red on their bodies, or may be entirely black.[1] Another obvious (but not unique) characteristic is the soft nature of the hair (long, branched setae), called pile, that covers their entire body, making them appear and feel fuzzy.
Påskelilje / Narcissus pseudonarcissus /daffodil is a perennial flowering plant of the family Amaryllidaceae which grows from a bulb. It has pale yellow flowers with a darker central trumpet. The long, narrow leaves are slightly greyish in colour and rise from the base of the stem.
I am not the only one that fancy this little flower.
You don't have to be perfect to be pretty.
Pennywort/ Hepatica nobilis / Blå Anemone / Blåveis is an herbaceous member of the Ranunculaceae or buttercup family that is native to the forest floors of temperate regions, widespread in northern Europe to Scandinavia and Finland, and south to the Apennines and Pyrenees.
Several of my flowers are slightly eaten this year :)
Helleborus niger/Christmas rose is an evergreen, reaching 35 cm (13,5 in.) in height., ads flowers from December through April. They come in different colours, and sorts. Even it's called a rose it has nothing to do with roses. It is also called `Snowbell`
Danish: Julerose, German: Schwarze Nieswurz, Christrose, Dutch: kerstroos, French: Hellébore noir, Rose de Noel, Italian: Elleboro nero, Fava di lupo, Rosa di Natale.
Leucojum vernum / Spring Snowflake / Dorothealilje
This Spring Snowflake should not be confused with Snowdrops, they are bulbous plants belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family, it blooms a little later than Snowdrops, approx. March-April and will be slightly higher, ca. 20-30 cm.
The white flowers resemble almost small bells, where each petal is a green design, some varieties have a yellowish drawings.
Dorothea Lily is situated in Central Europe, where they grow in forests and the edge of a wood
Crocus have start to bloom all over the garden until now only the yellow ones, which i seam to have the most success with.
Crocus / Krokus is a perennial that is often seen as a bulb plant, although its its body over the winter is actually a corm. Genus it is widespread with more than 30 species in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Most crocus are 10-20 cm high, and they come in many colours from white and yellow to purple and blue. Flowering time depends on variety, but fall is mostly from late February and into April.
Acronite lights up on the lawn with its yellow colour, and is one of the first signs that spring is on its way
Eranthis / Winter aconite / Erantis
Aconite are herbaceous perennials grow to 10-15 cm high.
The flowers are yellow, and among the first to appear in spring, as early as January in mild climate.
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