A red rambler rose, which is very old around 40 years I think. I don't know the name of this rose so my best guess will be that it is a.........
HEIDELBERG Rambler roses
The flower is Large full flowers, carmine to crimson, medium strong aroma, Remont, flower-rich and long, and growth / foliage is 150-200 cm tall, dark green glossy foliage, vigorous and dense growth, suitable for epalier and free-growing shrub.
The flowers are very lovely, elegant and beautiful in a vase as well as in the garden.
Queen Elizabeth rose, the Queen of England rose, is one of the ten most popular roses for over 40 years, according to rose breeders who are growing 'Queen Elizabeth'.
'Queen Elizabeth' is a grandiflora rose whose flowers come singly on one stem, similar to hybrid tea roses.
Aster in different colors are blooming right now in the garden, they lit up now it is running short days and autumn
Aster / Aster novae-Anglia,) is a large perennial with a stiff, sustained growth form. The leaves are sitting scattered along the stiff stems. Each leaf is lanceolate with entire edges. Leaf foot ends halfway around the stem. The top surface of the leaf is dark green and slightly roughened by a close hair. The underside is lighter, but also close to the hair. The flowers are large, richly branched, open stands at the foot of the shoots. Each flower is a star-like flower basket with yellow median crowns and purple / blue / white / red edge crowns. The fruits are small nuts with their small fnok. The seeds germinate readily.
A single golden bloom an early moning
Gyldenris / Goldenrod / Solidago, is widespread in Europe and North America with the vast majority of species in the sids that area. The species has the following characteristics in common: the leaves are scattered sessile, flower baskets are small with a maximum of 10 tongue-shaped peripheral flowers.
To plant Spanish-daisies in the garden is to bid summer a warm welcome. Welcome to sunny, warm welcome, welcome to colour splendour and joy.
It comes from South Africa where the sun shines all year. Yes, actually counts the South Africans throughout the 300 days of sunshine a year.
Osteospermum / spansk margurit is a genus belonging to the Calenduleae, one of the smaller tribes of the sunflower family (Asteraceae).
Osteosperum used to belong to the genus Dimorphotheca, but only the annual species remain in that genus; the perennials belong to Osteospermum. The genus Osteospermum is also closely related to the small genus Chrysanthemoides,
I have three different kind, so three different colours... and they do last long and make easy roots, just but them in a vase with water and they quickly make roots, So haveallot of them at different spots in the garden
Sankthansurt / Hylotelephium telephium is a perennial with a hump-shaped, sustained growth. Stem often reddish or red dots. The leaves are sitting scattered, and the thick and oval to reverse ovoid with round serrated edge. Both sides of the leaf are bright green and completely hairless. Flowering takes place in August-September, where you see the flowers sit together in a final tabled half screen top of the fork-shaped tassels. The individual flowers are regular with yellowish-green petals. The fruits are pods capsules with many seeds.
Crocosmia masoniorum / Montbretia
Small red iristype, it is beautiful with a lot of red flowers in the late summer.
Montbretia is a good old garden perennial that is coming to honor and dignity after being forgotten little time. There are several species of montbretia, but this species is the botanical name Crocosmia masoniorum and is in the iris family, like for example.: Fresia, crocus, gladiolus and iris. In nature it grows in full sun and half shade and like a half with a high ground cover that protects the roots.
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