I got a new Hosta this year, and the leaves are more yellow and the the flower is shorter and more rounded. Unfortunately I don't know the specific name of it
I have moved my Hosta so they appear in the same area. Had to go hunting for some more variations.....
Hosta or Funki (Hosta) is a genus with more than 30 species.
It is perennial, forming strong rootstock or rhizomes. The leaves form dense rosettes, consisting of lanceolate or ovate leaves with curved strings and full rim.
Flowering takes place in late summer, where you see some stems with spikes of white or purple, bell-shaped flowers.
My favourite summer flower
Hvid Okseøje /White segetum /Leucanthemum vulgare are perennial, herbaceous plants with a view favoured leaf rosette and an upright, branching growth.
The stem is furrowed and pale hair. The leaves are scattered off and stalked (stalk leaves are however nonstalked). Basic leaves is inversely ovoid with round serrated or rough serrated edge, while the stem leaves are line-or lancet-shaped, with flaps to the toothed rim. The surface is grass green and the underside is light green.
Found that up against a wall, I have never seen it before. so hopefully it will bloom again next year.
Tiger Lily / Lilium lancifolium is a big family that is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America.
Like other true lilies, the flowers are borne on an erect stem 80–200 cm tall, clothed with the more or less linear leaves 6–9 cm long and 1–2 cm broad. It is one of a very small number of species that produce aerial bulblets, known as bulbils, in the leaf axils along the stem. These can be used to propagate the plant. Flowers on the plant last for a short period of time before they wither and are replaced by newer flowers
Dandelion is not easy to get around it is very beautiful and they are also annoying when it grows between the tiles and all the wrong places.
Dandelion (Taraxacum) or dandelion is a genus of perennials with a taproot and a few hollow stems, each with one end made basket. The leaves are rosetstillede. The genus consists of approx. 1000 apomictic species, divided into 13 groups.
There have been alot of poppies on the medow this year and the light up so beautiful among the grass with its red petals.
Kornvalmue /Papaver rhoeas / poppy is a wild poppy, which usually has bright red petals around a black center. Nature is the largest of three wild valmuearter in Denmark. In the northern hemisphere it generally flowers in June.
Its origin is not known with certainty. Americans think it comes from Europe - and northern Europeans think it comes from southern Europe. Others believe that it comes from Eurasia and North Africa.
Kornvalmuen is slightly toxic to grazing animals. The seeds are harmless
This year my Helleborus was twice as big. and it is filled with many flowers, they're just not very pretty this year, animals and frost have damaged the petals.The stamen looks nice anyway
Helleborus niger /Julerose, is an evergreen perennial with basic favoured leaves. The leaves are pinnate with elliptic leaflets. Leaf edge is irregularly toothed, upper surface is grass green and leathery, and the underside is light gray-green. and the flowers grow up in January-February.The flowers are snowy white with yellow stamens. The fruits are dry capsules with many black seeds ripen well and germinate readily under the right growing conditions.
Grape hyacinths, lilies bloom in spring. They form gradually colonies of plants. When they faded I dig up the lump and spread the onions over a larger area.
Grape hyacinths /Muscari,a genus / Perlehyacint of bulbous plants in the family Hyacinthaceae with approx. 60 species widespread in the Mediterranean and West Asia. All the plant's leaves are deleted from the onion, and blue ball-shaped flower sits in a bunch. Petals are interconnected grown and have only a small opening to the flower's interior, which contains six dust carriers and one pencil.
In Denmark Perlehyacint or Druehyacint / Muscari botryoides and tassel hyacinth /
M. comosum, the commonly cultivated.
Another blue anemone blooming right now, the colour is a little lighter blue, and the petals are longer and slimmer.
Anemone Blanda / Balkan-Anemone, is a perennial herb in the family Buttercups and occurs naturally in the north-eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus. Balkans anemone is a common garden plant in Denmark.
This blue anemone stands and lights up with its blue flowers on the still bare ground. Giving in to the cold wind we have today
Pennywort /Hepatica nobilis / Blaa anemone, is a perennial with a rosette of leaves due favored. Individual leaves are long stalked and lobed with entire margin.
The plant is widespread in most of Europe, including Denmark and Scandinavia, where it grows in deciduous forests on Rupicolous bottom.
This is a Leucojum vernum was. vagneri a variant of
Dorotealilje (Leucojum vernum) is a perennial with an upright growth and basic favored magazines. The leaves are line-shaped and thick with great edge and tip but.
There are the two variants of this kind: Leucojum vernum was. carpathicum (with a yellow stain on the petals) and Leucojum vernum was. vagneri (strong plant, which often bear two flowers per. peduncle)
This flower looks like a snowdrop but is slightly larger and was common in old rural gardens. it blooms so beautiful right now with its white bells.
Dorotealilje /Leucojum vernum / is a perennial with an upright growth and basic favored magazines. The leaves are line-shaped and thick with great edge and tip but. They are grass green on both sides. Flowering occurs in March-May (depending on when the snow has melted away).
Dorotealilje found in most of Western, Southern and Eastern Europe
Winter is singing on its last legs, as Snowdrops has stuck their nose up with white flowers nodding at the foot of the green stalks.
The botanical name for the common Galanthus nivalis Snowdrops are, and it grows wild in southern European mountain forests and mountain scrub.
Common Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis is a low Bulb which is around 10 -20 cm tall. It blooms from February to April, depending on the winter cycle.
The snow have almost gone and then the Eranthis shows all over the lawn like a yellow carpet.
Eranthis / Winter aconite / Eranthis hyemalis/ Erantis, is a genus of eight species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae the Buttercup family, native to southern Europe and east across Asia to Japan.
They are among the first to appear in spring, as early as January in mild climates, though later where winter snowpack persists; they are frost-tolerant and readily survive fresh snow cover unharmed.
A springflower we have indoors and tell us that spring is around the corner, I hope
Hyacinthus orientalis / Hyacinthus orientalis is a Bulb with a basic leaf rosette placed on a register stalk. The leaves are shaped line with the whole rim, parallel ribs and a boat-shaped tip. Both leaf sides are uniformly bright green. The creation of stem bears an inflorescence made final in April-May. The six fused petals forming a tube with the free tips as a bowl-shaped collar. Petals (with the wild type) purple or white.
Now we have had snow and cold winter weather for almost two month so this is how the boll of a Tusind stjerne / Telekia speciosa looks.
I august 2009 you can see the flower in bloom.
Telekia is a rhizomatous, sunflower-like perennial that is native primarily to mountainous areas in southern Europe, the Ukraine, the Balkans, the Caucusus and Turkey. Features sprays of single, daisy-like flower heads (to 3.5” across) with yellow rays and large, flattened, orange-yellow center disks. Blooms appear in late summer to early fall on branching-at-the-top stems rising to 4-6’ tall. Coarse, aromatic, triangular, doubly-serrate, long-petioled, basal leaves (to 12" long) with cordate bases. Leaves are glabrous above and hairy below. Smaller ovate stem leaves are sessile. Synonymous with Buphthalmum speciosum.
Found this withered flower covered in snow, I sometimes find this plant in my garden from seed carried here with the wind or animals.
Giant Hogweed /Heracleum mantegazzianum / kæmpe bjørneklo, s a biennial, herbaceous plant. It may be several years until it gets an opportunity to flourish. Growth is strong and sustain with a hollow stem, which can be up to 10 cm in diameter.
Flowering takes place two years in June-July, and it consists of big screens from the end of the stem with several line-shaped budding leaves. Large screen is built up of 50-150 småskærme.
Flowering takes place two years in June-July, and consists of end-favored big screens, with more line-shaped budding leaves. Large screen is built up of 50-150 småskærme.
Giant hogweed is an introduced plant and therefore is not originally resident in Denmark. Unfortunately, the plant spread unchecked, this has meant that many believe it should be eradicated, and many municipalities have set plans for control of Giant Hogweed.
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