Morgenfrue / Calendula / Marigold
I have had many marigolds in my garden this summer, so next year I will spread the seeds all over the meadow, so they can light up with their yellow and orange colours.
Marigold (Calendula) is a genus of 12-20 species of annual or perennial, herbaceous plants, which are prevalent in Europe, Middle East and Iran. The stems are creating or ascending, and the leaves are spirally asked, full and slightly hairy. The flowers are collected in terminal curve, consisting of yellow, orange or red single flowers. Seeds Pappus. In the following, only the species that are grown in Denmark or who are naturalized here.
Sunflowers / solsikker / Helianthus annuus; they grow well this year in my garden, and he first time they also flourishes because the deer usually eat the top of the plant, beforeit get the chance flower.
'll think I will try to save the sunflower seeds for the birds for wintertime and cold weather.
'll think I will try to save the sunflower seeds for the birds for wintertime and cold weather.
A flower from my garden, I like all the dots on this lily make it stand out.
Lilium tigrinum / Tiger Lily / Tiger lilje, is a species of lily native to northern and eastern Asia, including Japan.
The tiger lily gets its name for its orange coloured flowers marked with black dots. A natural hybrid, the tiger lily forms bulbils in the axils of its leaves.
Lilium tigrinum / Tiger Lily / Tiger lilje, is a species of lily native to northern and eastern Asia, including Japan.
The tiger lily gets its name for its orange coloured flowers marked with black dots. A natural hybrid, the tiger lily forms bulbils in the axils of its leaves.
I påsken besøgte jeg en subtropisk have Abbotsbury Sub-Tropical Gardens i syd England og det blomstrede over alt med rododendron, azaleaer. tulipantræer og kameliabuske, der var et sandt duft og farve flor.
Kamelia er sådan en smuk blomst, og den får mig til at tænke på gamle romantiske romaner. Jeg har hørt der er kommet arter som kan gro og overleve her på det nordlige halvkugle, så jeg tror jeg vil ønske mig en.
Kamelia /Japanese Camellia/Camellia japonica, er en stedse grøn busk eller et lille træ med en bred, opstigende vækstform. Planten blomstrer i det meget tidlige forår med rosenagtige blomster. Planten vokser i kystnære løvskove i Kina, Korea og på alle de japanske hovedøer.
Kamelia er sådan en smuk blomst, og den får mig til at tænke på gamle romantiske romaner. Jeg har hørt der er kommet arter som kan gro og overleve her på det nordlige halvkugle, så jeg tror jeg vil ønske mig en.
Kamelia /Japanese Camellia/Camellia japonica, er en stedse grøn busk eller et lille træ med en bred, opstigende vækstform. Planten blomstrer i det meget tidlige forår med rosenagtige blomster. Planten vokser i kystnære løvskove i Kina, Korea og på alle de japanske hovedøer.
Så blomstrer de første tulipaner med en fin rød farve, den står der i midt i plænen, hvor det ikke hører hjemme, må vist flytte den til et bedre sted.
Tulipaner er en forårsløg plante, med farverige blomster i slægten Tulipa, som omfatter 109 arter og tilhører familien Liliaceae.
The first tulip, it grows in the middle of the lawn where it does not belong, haven't seen it before, Later on I will have to move it to a better place. Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs, with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, which comprises 109 species and belongs to the family Liliaceae
The first tulip, it grows in the middle of the lawn where it does not belong, haven't seen it before, Later on I will have to move it to a better place. Tulips are spring-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs, with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, which comprises 109 species and belongs to the family Liliaceae
Der er så mange dejlige forårsblomster og løg der popper op lige nu med de dejlige varmegrader vi har haft,et rigtigt havevejr til at fjerne blade og gøre forårsklar.
Min julerose blomstrer så smukt lige nu hvid og sart, og så har den bredt sig fint selvom den blev flyttet 2 gange sidste år.
Den almindelige Julerose / Christmas Rose/ Helleborus Niger er en duftfri udeplante, den blomstrer i det tidlige forår i de hvide og dyb rød farver.
They look so fine in these small delicate blue crocuses, especially when the sun shines on them
Crocus is a perennial that is often seen as a bulbous plant, although its wintering body really is a tuber.
The genus is widespread with more than 30 species in Europe, Middle East and North Africa.
Most crocuses are 10-20 cm high, and they come in many colours from white and yellow to purple and blue.
Right now the the Eranthis are blooming all over my lawn.
Garden Eranthis (Eranthis hyemalis) is a tuber plant.
Flowering occurs in January-March, and it consists of a greenish-brown, erect, hollow, smooth stem with three bracts under the relatively large yellow flower with six yellow sepals.
The fruits are dry capsules with seeds that ripen well and germinate readily in Denmark.
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